Here we are. At it again. Rallying. Protesting. Demonstrating. Trying to place our bodies where some people think it may do some good: a body count somehow correlating (usually) to media attention, to get a message out. That's the simplified theory. More or less. Anyhow, you can see Selena here happy and gung-go to be arriving at this rally, supporting what may be a historic political maneuver. I slipped around the crowd a while to do my photographer thing. When I finally managed to work my way back to Selena, the stiff and cringing Selena on the left is what I found. It was coooooold! It was freezing. My shutter fingers were pretty frosty too. We cut out on the rally early to find warmth, as did many others. It was kind of sad, because when we left the music was heating up. The ever artistically entertaining Bob Wiseman was finishing up, and Broken Social Scene (an interesting band name to have at a political rally) was coming on, joined apparently by Feist. But, was Emeth sleeping peacefully as he appeared bundled in his stroller bag, or was he frozen solid? We had to go find out...
It was the latter. We ended up (as did many others) in the nearby Eaton's Centre. It was already packed with Xmas shoppers before we packed it further. We grabbed some food, but there was no place to sit. We wandered until we finally found a bench. The bench turned out to be a front row seat in front of a
scene of (Christmas?) debauchery. Strangely, they have left the "... for tomorrow we die" part off of their "Eat, drink, and be merry" slogan. Anyhow, we sat pondering the scene as we anxiously unwrapped our Harvey's veggie burgers, eagre to gorge ourselves on some fast food warmth, and decadent Harvey's pickles.
Here's the
whole photo set if you're interested in lots of pictures of signs and (mostly) human heads...
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