This is Little Red Riding-hood and the Wuff. Together with them, and a certain
pirate, we looted houses of their treats the other night.
Naturally, in order to fit in with such characters, we needed disguises.

Emeth was a moody lion, who refused to wear the ears and mane his mommy had spent so much arranging for him.
Istra was a winged rainbow unicorn pony, who complained a lot of being too hot, and besides which absolutely refused to fly at all. So it goes.

Time can be a funny thing. Selena unearth a dress she last wore to her grade 12 prom, which now served again as her Halloween costume. In an odd twist of fate a corset (also fished out of the well of time) had to be strapped on top of the thing to make it work. But work it did, and looked good even (if not better), all these years later.
Click for more pictures, if you need further evidence.

As for me, lamely I can barely get myself dressed most days, let alone dressed up for any other occasion. However while we were walking the haunted streets that night I was struck by a sudden inspiration... so next year... maybe... just maybe... just maybe, Goodwill be willing, I shall don the identifying accouterments, if not vissage, of one of the boldest and greatest of our heros of our age... maybe.
Istra calls wolves "wuffs". Though she calls this particular wuff, Joachim. (She used to call him "Bikini", but that's another story...)
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