Tuesday 5 August 2008

Weekend Without Bikes

We decided to leave our bikes at home this weekend and enjoy other activities at the cottage. (You can do other things at the cottage, right?) One advantage to not taking bikes is that there is much less packing involved; one disadvantage is that within a few hours Tim was complaining that he missed his bike.

Mike & Soni taking over the toys
This being a long weekend, it was busy up in little Port Severn. We even had a few visitors ourselves! Bryan and Pat surprised us again, this time bringing the long-lost Mike and Soni with them.
Bryan started it, now Tim is stuck in it!
It's sad, really, Mike and Soni live so close to us in the city, but we never see them. It was good to catch up. Istra missed much of this visit because she'd decided to hang out at the other cottage most of the day, with her little cousin Ryan, who is half a year younger than her. Though they have met before, this is the first time Ryan has really been old enough to play with (or take orders from) Istra.

We also had two visits from Grammie and Gigi, who came bearing corn and watermelon in hopes that we would take pity on their kitchenless selves and cook them some dinner. Okay, and maybe they came to see the kids too. Grammie even went swimming, while Gramma refreshed her windsurfing skills. It was a hot weekend; we spent a lot of time in the water.

And Tim, missing his bike, fell back upon his other hobby: photographing bugs.

See all the pictures here from both Poppy and Grammie."

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