Sunday, 15 June 2008


We hit the road on the bikes again yesterday. As usual, Istra was out like a light within minutes of our departure. If you look closely you can see the crayon poised in her hand mid-doodle... but she is gone.

I found an interesting web site called which allows you to draw your bike routes on a map, annotate them, and share them with other people. Searching around I found a pretty interesting looking one going north from here. It took us through some areas we'd not been, and found us many short cuts and paths we wouldn't have otherwise known. Crossing the 401 is a big problem for non-cars, but we managed it. (Click the link in the first paragraph to see a map of our adventure.)

The kids were awake again by the time we met up with these energetic guys though! Istra found an interestingly spirally red tree. Emeth got in some rock climbing practice. I think he is just about ready for the matterhorn. At least, after climbing just about everything in sight that we came across, I'm sure that he thinks he is. Istra... she does her own thing.

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