This sugar overload was courtesy of Sally at Tim's office who contributed the gingerbread train to the office "Secret Santa". Unfortunately, Tim didn't tell me that there was to be a Secret Santa and so we brought no gift to contribute and were therefore left out.

Left out? No! Do not lose heart, dear reader! Due to the generosity of yet another young lady, who was obviously affected by the glint of excitement in Istra's eye at the possibility of possessing something that was, at the same time, a train
and a cookie, Istra did not go home empty handed.

We didn't get around to assembling the train before Christmas, but put it together in the dreary, snotty days afterward (which have still not ended, by the way, thanks to the appearance of cold No. 3). It sat around for a while, getting harder and harder as the days went by; and then when we were desperate enough for a bit of entertainment, we dug in.

The results were about an hour of hyperactivity and this lovely set of pictures.

The whole set can be seen
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