Leading the exciting lives that we lead, we are once again behind in our weblog entries. This one is for an event that happened almost two weeks ago now. On September 20, it was Grammie's birthday, for which we journeyed to Hamilton on the 21st, bearing gifts and a cake which turned out to be, unfortunately, not Grammie's favourite. But it was made with love! Surely the love covered the taste of the whole wheat flour? No? Oh... well, it was Istra's idea.

Speaking of Istra, she sure knows how to rock a weekend. The 20th--the aforementioned birthday-day--was also the day of our Rouge Valley Greenbelt Ride, which we'd been looking forward to since the beginning of the summer. The Greenbelt ride was going to be
so fun--25k through Toronto Zoo country, with stops at farmer's markets and a "farm fresh" lunch afterward. Unfortunately, Istra's bottom left two-year molar, on which she has already had dental work, also decided to abscess on this day. Poor Istra. She cried for her poor tooth almost the whole way; and what with feeling like the worst parents in the world for various reasons, the chief of which was letting a three-year-old get a cavity in the first place, Mommy and Poppy did not find this a pleasant bike ride, nor a pleasant lunch (though the corn with pesto-butter was amazing), nor a pleasant 5 hour wait in the Rouge Valley Health Centre emergency department afterward.

Actually, the wait in the emergency department wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been. Istra by this time was running a low-grade fever and spent almost the entire wait lolling all over Grandma, half asleep. When we finally saw a doctor, he prescribed antibiotics and by the time we picked these up at the pharmacy, Istra seemed to have recovered. It was probably a combination of all the sugar she'd ingested in her various medications--the bubble-gum pink antibiotics, and sugary tylenol and motrin. Yes, we brushed her teeth furiously after all of these.

The next day, Istra was up and ready for our annual apple-picking at Nature's Bounty. We usually end up picking apples on Thanksgiving weekend, so we were early this year. Due to our timing, we picked different apples than we usually pick--there were tons of Honey Crisps still on the trees, whereas last year there were next to none left by the time we got there. I picked a whole ten-pound bag of these, remembering how much we liked them last year. We also picked Galas, Spartans, Macs and a couple other varieties. We picked a lot with the intention of making apple butter (a test batch is in the crockpot as I type). Both Emeth and Istra were happy to pick this year, and also happy just to run like crazy up and down the rows of apple trees, slide down the slick sides of huge pumpkins, eat carrots straight from the ground and force Grandma to steal gourds. It was a markedly better day than the day previous, despite the pouty picture shown here.
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