We managed to have a small birthday party with my grandmother at her nursing home, last Thursday. It was her 89th birthday. She was in unusually (i'm told) good spirits, and frame of mind. It was a surprisingly fun get together. It was a lovely day. We sat outside and had grapes, and little cakes. Well, some of us sat more than others; others did a bit of running around like maniacs, it must be admitted.

I made a few short videos, for the family archives, while I had the chance. I have uploaded a few of these to a convenient place to host them. The only way to access them is from these links:
(NOTE: It turns out the links below require you to login; use this this link to see all the videos on one page with no login required.)
- The girls. And Eme. (The video embedded above.)
- Nana banana (Nana sure still likes her bananas!)
- Nana, do you want some coffee? (A noble effort by Anne)
- Your brother is eating your shoe
- Didn't Tim grow up big? And here's a balloon
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