Saturday, 1 March 2008

Pool break

people in the pool
Nothing too exciting, but taking a break from our day of spring cleaning, we headed down to the pool for the first time in a long time. A long, long time, for me. And the first time ever for Emeth. He was too nervous to go in the ring, but we discovered Istra is reasonably happy to sit *on* the ring now. As long as someone holds on to it for her. She also tried lying on it, stomach down, for a while. She likes jumping into the water from the pool deck, if someone catches her. It's a bit scary, because I'm not entirely convinced she understands to jump out from the edge, and it looks like she might not clear it on some jumps... I stay ready to snatch her away from the edge when she seems too close.

Istra-funny-face splashing
Istra also of course enjoys splashing people, but when there's no people to splash she also enjoys just splashing for splashing's sake. A complication she discovered sitting in her water throne-ring was that splashing tended to splash herself... hence the funny faces she tended to make while doing it.

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