Emeth here expresses his sadness for, perhaps among other things, Aunty Belle not being able to print out his previous picture, due to poppy (that's me) changing the way the pictures are hosted. (Trying to make the process of putting pictures online less laborious and resource intensive, I'm giving a photo hosting service a shot, rather than using my own system as I have been doing.)
Here is the secret to getting the full sized pictures to save/print. After clicking on the picture and bringing it up on the photo hosting site, click the "All Sizes" button above the image (or the "See different sizes" link on the right hand side). You will then see a list of the sizes available; click the one you want (for printing you probably want "Original", and then you will see the "Download" link for that size.

You do not need to sign up and create an account on the external hosting site. However, if you want to, we can mark you as "family" and then you can access more pictures on the site that I'm setting as "family only". So if you want to see endlessless picture of Emeth and Istra, do sign up for an account and let us know about it. But if you don't you'll still see the select pictures that get set for "public" viewing.
On the other hand, this is all a bit experimental and I don't know if I'll be able to stick with the hosting service or not yet. While it makes things easier for me to drop pictures on the web log here, uploads take a long time, and I'm feeling a lot of constraints regarding how the service allows me to display/organise the pictures. I don't like the site's navigation system, and lack of visual customisation. Complain, complain. So who knows, I may just revert back to my previous system. Pros and cons. Time will tell.

(I also have to apologise to Aunty Belle for taking so long getting this information online: I said I was going to do it earlier tonight, but immediately after that Selena sent me to bed with Istra...)
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