So Istra is too fat for her diapers. Though, at our doctor's appointment on Monday we found out that she's not as fat as 75% of other babies. Istra weighed in at 15 lbs and is in the 25th percentile for everything. So, she's a wee cute baby and the doctor is not concerned.
Anyway, what I wanted to write about is actually me--me, independent of Istra. Yesterday I had three glorious hours of independence when Tim and I decided to do a sort of baby-swap in hopes that we would both get some work done. We would each look after Istra for an hour and then get an hour "off" to work. I made some progress on my essay on Sir Philip Sidney--but more than that, I actually enjoyed writing it. In fact, it was blissful. I don't think it has anything to do with the subject itself; rather, I think maybe having someone else dictate practically 24 hours of my day has given me a new appreciation for those few hours I have to myself and accomplishing something for me. Perhaps not really accomplishing much in the past 6 months has given me an exaggerated appreciation for those 5 pages I wrote yesterday. Yes, yes, I know I've accomplished (so far) the supreme task of keeping another human being alive and thriving, but remember we're talking independent of Istra. I just found it very striking yesterday to find myself so enjoying academic writing, which I have in the past cursed with every strike of the keyboard.
Maybe I will want to persue that PhD after all.
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