Monday 11 July 2005

Cough No More!

Well, I am definately on the mend! Today is the first day since my sore throat hit last Monday that I can honestly say that I feel better. Thank goodness. This cold has truly been the most miserable one I've had in a very long time.

Here's an update on the school situation. I worked out my potential schedule for next year and it looks pretty managable. For the fall term I only have to go in to school on Mondays and Thursdays, but for six hours of classes each time. The winter term is the same, but for only 3 hours of classes each day. That will be nice. Of course, I will also have 10 hours of "work" to do each week that I need to fit in there somewhere, along with everything else that I need to fit in.

After working out my schedule this afternoon, I ordered some of the books I will need from Chapters. I need to start reading them now, says the course outline. So it looks like as well as the Chronicles of Narnia (which Tim is reading to Istra and me occasionally), Istra will also be read the Selected Works of Phillip Sidney. I'll probably understand as much of it as she will.

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